Mskhali is used in the production of high-quality table wines, fortified wines, and dessert
wines. It is optional for consuming freshly, as well as for winter storage and shipping.
Due to slow and relatively low sugar absorption and low acidity wines produced from
Mskhali are low-quality, with lack of freshness. The grape is the best demonstrated in fortifies
wine, particularly Armenian sherry production. The consumption of Mskhalin freshly as a table
grape is widely expended.
Mskhali is a white indigenous Armenian table-technical grape variety, cultivated in
almost all winemaking regions of Armenia. It is considered one of the leading grape varieties in
Ararat, Artashat, Kotayk, and Armavir regions. Mskhali belongs to the eco-geographical group
of eastern cultivars. During the investigations of this variety, many different clones were found:
they are in the process of active studies now.